Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Palestine Debate

Palestine Debate

Karma Nabulsi, Nuffield College, Oxford

Thursday 11 November 2004, Corpus Christi College

Karma Nebulsi spoke to the Hive the day after Yasser Arafat's death. She spoke passionately and insightfully about the situation in Palestine, with a very heated debate following the discussion. Below is a collection of links to Karma's recent articles, many of which were used in the talk. You may need to be in Oxford to access many of the articles, but please nonetheless persevere, they are very good. I hope the links are useful and interesting.

Karma Nebulsi's Articles

Participatory Models of Democracy and the Refugee Issue
Why we are still backing Arafat
The Guardian, Tuesday November 2 2004Palestinians value their democracy and won't accept a pliant successor.

The Peace Process and the Palestinians: A Road Map to Mars
International Affairs (Vol 80 Issue 2 Page 221), March 2004
Also worth seeing

Arafat's death: Global reaction in quotes
Peace with Hamas? The Transforming Potential of Political Participation - Gunning, Jeroen
International Affairs (Vol 80), March 2004See the rest of the issue (on the palestine conflict).

Who are the Palestinians?
Subscription required.
Benny Morris - Profile, by David B Green
Prospect, August 2004 Once the great chronicler of Israel's war crimes, he now laments Ben-Gurion's failure to clear all Arab inhabitants from Palestine in 1948. What has become of Morris and the Israeli left?

Karma's Guardian Series 2002

Our strength is in the camps
The Guardian, Tuesday September 17 2002In the first of a series, a PLO representative turned academic argues that the refugees remain at the core of Palestinian national identity

No peace without an end to exile
The Guardian, Wednesday September 18 2002In the second of a series, a Palestinian academic says that any Middle East deal which ignores the rights of the refugees will be rejected

Facing up to ethnic cleansing (Karma Nabulsi and Ilan Pappé)
The Guardian, Thursday September 19 2002In the third of a series, a Palestinian and an Israeli say that only by giving the refugees a say in their future can the two peoples be reconciled

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